Fig. 5. Effect of CR AgNPs- on Rb+ influx, [K]i, and Hbc ODs in RBCs from human cord blood. Cord blood donated by MVH was subjected to the procedures described in Materials and Methods and Fig. 1. During the flux period, cells were incubated at 37 °C for 60 min under the conditions described in legend to Fig. 3. A) Rb+ influx, B) [K]i and C) ODs at 527 nm for Rb+ influx and [K]i were determined as described in Materials and Methods. Values are mean ± S.D. for a representative experiment, n = 6 individual determinations for all the conditions tested. The statistical significance of the differences between NPS vs CONT, and CONT vs CONTC was determined by two sample t- test. Further details are discussed in the text. A) *** p<0.00001, ** p<0.005, B) *** p<0.00001, ** p<0.005, and C) ***p<0.00001, * p = 0.061.